• info@mehal-consultancy.com
  • mehalconsultancy@gmail.com
  • 0120-4315288
  • 9868158844

Legal Compliences
Legal Compliances

Legal Compliances Solutions providing company in Delhi and NCR.

We provide Labour law Compliances by which a company adheres to the complex rules, policies and processes that regulate business practice in a particular jurisdiction. Compliance involves Maintenance of records, submission of returns and other related work.(rest of them is as on site).

Compliance Solutions

EPF & Misc. Provisions Act


Factories Act

Minimum Wages Act

Contract Labour Regulation and Abolition Act

Bonus Act

Professional Tax Act

Shop & Establishment Act

Labour Welfare Fund Act

Maternity Benefit Act

Payment of Wages Act

Building and Other Construction Work Act

Trade License

Drug License

DIC Registration

Standing Orders

Exemption of women under Night Shift

24 x 7 working permission